Season of Re-education

& Renewing of the Mind




Encouragement and Insights


Course Participants





I have received some wonderful comments from people taking my course (called "A Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind").  They were encouraging to me, but I felt that sharing them with you would be an encouragement to you as well, especially if you are beginning such a journey yourself. You will find very few homeschoolers who are willing to go down this path. In fact, all of the moms who share on this page started out in the same place! But God, in His merciful, gracious way, brought them to new place! A place of freedom and joy! So here is some fellowship and encouragement for you if you are lacking in this area! 






This font = my comments


This font = quotes of me from earlier 


This font = people I'm quoting 






This first "heart-sharing" one is from Pam, a mom who went into the "season" with an open heart, which is why she is getting so much out of it...



Dear Barb,


I want you to know how much I am learning and being stretched, and changed by God because of my working through your course. I appreciate your honesty in telling your readers, up front, that this course may prove to be painful, and difficult; exposing ugliness and lack of understanding in our own lives, that we may not have been aware of. One of the major things that God has been speaking to me throughout these last almost two years, is DIE TO MYSELF!  What a bitter, yet sweet road to go down. 


As I humble myself and put God and others first, He has been faithful to be all I NEED. Thanks for all that you have put into developing this course. I am thankful that you did not make your course a quick, wham-bam, hurry up and get it done type of course. I'll admit it is taking me longer than I would have liked to complete it, but I have learned SO much!  I would not change these miles traveled for anything!  


I just finished reading The Great Escape, and I have had confirmed again in my mind that home is the only choice for educating my children. Homeschooling is a hard road to travel; no doubt about it!! But God tells us in His precious Word, to "enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it." Matthew 7:13"


About a year ago when I was reading my Bible during quiet time, this verse jumped off the page at me even though I had read it many times before.) God spoke assurance to my heart, that even within the homeschooling realm, the gate that I had chosen to enter by (A Season Of Re-education and Renewing The Mind) was indeed a small gate, but one that would lead to life. God reveals to me more with each passing day of this journey; that only as I personally drink deeply of Him, and acquire His wisdom and knowledge, will I then be able to impart anything of eternal value to my children.

So...  "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."  (Hebrews 12:1)
  All praise and glory belong to our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus. 


~ Pam Ickert; homeschooling mom of 4 for 5 years; WA






This next mom, Sharon, had signed the guestbook at my website and said: "...I am reading everything I can find to make sure I do the best job I can and so I came here..." to which I had responded:     


I admire you reading everything you can, but would also suggest that you not feel you have to read everything there is out there to get what God has for you. There is MUCH out there, and you will hear many conflicting philosophies. I suggest that when you start "connecting" with a message, and you know it is GOD, you stay focused there long enough to really get roots and get solid in it rather than flitting around all over the internet trying to get "well rounded." Of course, I hope you'll stay at my website for a while (and for good) because I have seen so many "crash and burn" thinking they're headed toward "the best" only to find out ~ often too late ~ that what God had in Mind was really quite different ~ and cheaper ~ and easier ~ and more conducive to moving into His plan and purpose for each individual child.   :-)
Just my 2 cents' worth,
Barb Shelton
P.S. But if you really get it, it's gonna save you a whole lot more than 2¢!



Well, this same mom (Sharon) emailed me three months later and said:


Dear Barb,


I first visited your site three months ago.  At that time I was on a quest for the best curriculum and some sound homeschooling info.  I was not ready for the message of Lifestyle of Learning at that time and ordered (lots) of expensive stuff to help me design great studies for my three daughters (ages 12, 11, and 9).  We began as I still was seeking knowledge, and things were okay.  The problem was, I wanted far better than okay. I began to hear comments like, "I thought this was going to be fun and different from regular school."
The best thing I had done after finding your site was to end up at the Wisdom's Way of Learning list.  I thought I had signed up to read the comments of a bunch of well-intentioned but misguided kooks. It is so humbling to look back at the pride that I began this with. I thought my spirit was ready to listen to what the Lord had to say to me, but it was not. I was definitely not in submission to His will, but He is so gracious. I kept thinking I would unsubscribe from the list, but I didn't.  I just kept reading.  Then, on occasion, I would go back to your site and explore a little more to supplement all the books I was reading.
Gradually, the Lord began to change my heart and to open my eyes. I have since ordered and read Wisdom's Way of Learning, and as of today I am mailing my first order to begin your Season of Re-Education...  I am so excited.  (I am ordering a little right now and hope to order the rest when we get income tax back.  I had a few of the books and I am starting with them. I am also continuing to read the articles at your site.)
I just wanted to let you know that sometimes it takes some of us a little longer than others to get the message but I am so thankful that you leave that message out there for us to ponder. Much of my problem was (and still is) in submitting my will and my plans to the Lord and I know that the Season and the reading I have recently done will help me monumentally to keep my eyes where they should be. 

I am so ready to begin my Season.  Reading Wisdom's Way of Learning, The Christian Home School, and the articles have just increased my hunger to go further and do more. 
[From Barb:  Unbeknownst to her, Sharon has actually already very much begun her Season! All the books and articles she has referred to thus far are part of the "Season" I recommend!]  I feel so much that the Lord is calling on me now to surrender areas of my life that I have held on to for years, even as I told him to take them. I am realizing that he will not pry my fingers open to get to what I am "offering" Him of my life, that in order to surrender I have to open my fingers myself. It's so silly that we hold on so hard anyway, since nothing that we have is ours anyway. The website and the books are just the tools he is using to open my heart and mind so that he can use me.  

God bless you for all that you do, for the help you make available in lighting our paths so that we can draw closer to the Lord and work his purpose in our lives, leading our children to the paths he has chosen for them.  


~ Sharon Oaks; homeschooling mom of 4; Alabama





And now here's another precious letter, this one from Trisch, a mom who is obviously "Being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!!" by God in ways she never expected!  In fact, that's the title she gave the email she sent me!


Dear Barb,


I had skimmed your comments about "qualifying" etc. and the law before on your website. I had felt, in the past, that we should do what we could to comply without doing more than truly required. Of course, I live in a state where ALL we have to do is keep attendance records that no one in 9 years has asked to see.  (And my husband is quick to point out that they are learning 365 days a year, so with only 180 "required" we're ahead by far. )
Well, I have started my "Season of Re-education and Renewing the Mind" and although I was starting in the learning to hear God and get your children's hearts sections, I finally read, thoughtfully, your article again. (I bought the Guide-a-Log so I could read those wonderful articles without always firing up the computer!
). This time, my heart was challenged.  My husband and I talked about it.  And ~ YIKES! I'm being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d again!  Finding more "fear of man" there ~ more pride (ugh!).  I WANT to look "good" and "successful" ~ after all, I was a GOOD regurgitator!  (I was valedictorian of my small class of '59 and attended college for 2 1/2 years!) Everyone that knows me from "way back when" (including my parents! ) just naturally expects that my daughters will just ooze academia! So, anyway, just wanted to THANK YOU (again!) for being willing to "stick your neck out" in that area. 

Anyway, I'm actually enjoying this time, even though it is stretching me ~ and I thought I had come so far already! If anyone ever says to you, "Well, God has had me on this journey for awhile, so I don't think I need this or that book or booklet" ~ tell them about ME! You'll be getting an order probably in a month or so when I have more $$ to order some of those little booklets I just knew I didn't need! (Like " Home Education Myths," "Teacher's College Record," the one about whether the state even should HAVE authority over our education ~ can't think of it just now! by Karl Reed). I had read the Moores' books way back before homeschooling (we are one of those "knew we were going to do this before we even had children" couples! 
:-) ), and thought I didn't need to reread them slowly...  but I've changed my mind!
And your tapes! The " Out of Fear and Burn-out" ones...  Wow!  Your statement to the effect of if we get fearful thinking of not using something ~ that shows we have a dependence on it ~ oooh!  You're really making me think!  (And it's hard with less than 3 weeks to my due date ~ you know, when all the brain cells are sluggish anyway!
Just wanting to keep encouraging you, and to tell you if others say, "Well, I don't need to read that one ~ I KNOW all about those myths!"  Oh, you THINK you do!  I am more and more amazed at just how much the "humanist/ feminist" mindset is really in our thinking!  God is redeeming my thoughts toward my calling as wife, mother and home arts engineer at this time, too!  We have just swallowed a BUNCH of GARBAGE over the years...  We need to CONSTANTLY be in the Word, renewing our minds to His way of thinking!
Well, I've gone on long enough!  Thank you again for being willing to do this and not wait until 2005 (when my oldest would "graduate" as well!) to write your stuff!


~ Trisch Richardson; homeschooling mom of 6 (soon to be 7) girls for 9 years; in Indiana



(If you do not have younger children, or know anyone

with younger children, skip down to "IN CLOSING.") 






And in case your children are younger and you think you have a long time before starting such a season, I'd like to encourage you to not wait a moment before getting started on this course ~ IF the Lord is prompting you to do it.  "If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart."  Countless homeschool moms would have spared themselves SO much agony and wasted time and money had they had only pressed in to hear God's gentle voice speaking to their heart to seek and hear His will for them regarding the education of their children.


I think that many moms begin to hear His voice, but then just jump headlong into curriculum, thinking they have heard God!  Yes, He was leading them, but to learn from Him first, not follow a Christianized version of the world's (heavy) ways of educating ~ which aren't really even truly educating ~ but only bringing "school" into the home!  NOW ~ right at the beginning ~ is the time to get your thinking straight, because "As a man thinketh, so IS he."  Translation for homeschoolers:  "As a mom thinketh [about education], so IS [their education]!"  Whatever you think education to be, THAT is what you will follow!  So much the better to get your thinking straight now, before you have invested hundreds of dollars, hours, and tears into it.  Make sure you are following GOD's ideas!  Here is a note that was left at my guestbook from a mom who "GOT IT" early on, and is going to enjoy the fruit of her "getting it" for all the years she has her children at home with her... 


Thank you for being so encouraging about the whole season of homeschooling. Our children are 4 and 1 so I am just beginning this exciting journey. I am so thankful to have found you at the beginning of my journey. I didn't know where to start and this has touched my heart so strongly that I know it shall be a great beginning to whatever God has in store for us.  Thanks again.  I have so much to read!!!  I can't wait.


~Tammy H.



Now this mom is at the very beginning of her season.  She could  be looking at it this way:  "OH MY!!!  There is SO much to do!!!  This is just overwhelming!!!"  But she's NOT!  She's actually excited about it!!!  One of the biggest indicators to me that this mom is going to enjoy this season is that she isn't seeing it as a burden!  And that's because it isn't!  Not when we allow the Lord to lead us.  He doesn't burden us.  It's us getting out of His timing that burdens us!  And not going through the process of getting our thinking transformed!  


One more thing I want to say to anyone with young children:  Parents, it may seem like you will have little ones underfoot forever, but let me tell you that the day comes all too quickly that they will be gone, as we now know with two of our three out of the nest!!!!!!  You only have ONE chance with your children!  Don't squander these precious years with "trial and testing"!  You don't have to make the mistakes that others have made!  God has something better!  Let Him lead you to the "place of no regrets"! ~ which is HIS way!






IN CLOSING...  I hope these comments give you a better idea of what to expect as you proceed through this season.  God's ways are higher than our ways, as are His ideas of what is to happen during such a season.  I so appreciate the vulnerability of these ladies in allowing me to share their thoughts with you.  Here is one last thought from my dear sister-friend, Susan Hitchcock (whose writings appear elsewhere at this website!)...   



Dearest Barb,


God gave me a scripture to finish the course!    :-)   It's II Corinthians 8:11:


     "But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability." 


~ Susan Hitchcock



Gd wrds to clse with!  


With a big hug,







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