INTRO:  Here's an interesting

"mini article" that was written by my

"twice-a-sister" (biological and in the Lord!), Kathy!

She loves science, earned a Masters degree in Biology in college,

taught Biology at a community college, and has a wonderful

way of explaining complex scientific concepts that

even *I* can understand! 

The Miracle of



by Kathleen Edtl Hampton



I just can't resist talking about God's miracle of water!  I learned in my Chemistry 101 class that water shouldn't be liquid at the temperature it is. But for some *reason*, it is!


A little over a century ago, a scientist described the phenomena, and his name stuck: " Van der Waal's attractions."  Here's how it works...


Water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.  The hydrogen atoms within the water molecules have a very weak attraction for each other, and this makes the water molecules "stick" together at a higher temperature than they would normally. This also means that liquid water contains much more energy than other liquids at room and environmental temperatures. 


Why is this important?  On a small scale, when your plates have dried-on eggs, what do you do?  Soak them in water a few minutes to soften the egg!  When your hair is dirty, what do you do?  Get it wet first, then add shampoo.  When your clothes are dirty, what do you do?  Of course, you get them wet, add soap, and agitate.  Our blood could not carry the nutrients it does were it not for Van der Waals attractions.  Most chemical reactions work faster and better (and some, only) in a solution of water. 


On a grander scale, you can imagine how this would have a cascade of effects on everything else... Without the weak attractions, there would be little water in our oceans ~ it would be gas.  Soil could not hold or transport essential minerals long enough to get into the plants.  Plant growth would probably be scrubby and close to the earth. 


The water that was liquid would be very cold.  (It is in liquid water that an incredible number of chemical and biological reactions take place.) So this planet would be mostly ice and water gas.
If you aren't in awe by now, consider this:  Other molecules that have many hydrogen atoms (for example, the hydrocarbons ~ oils) do NOT have a significant amount of Van der Waal's attraction.  Only water!  Scientists can't explain it well. They just shrug their shoulders and say, "it just is."  Do you think God might be winking?   


To summarize, the only reason the earth can sustain as much life as it does is due to water's Van der Waals attractions.  Perhaps a better name for this phenomenon would be, God's attractions.   Surely God is smiling and "delighting" in His creation! 

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