Lab Science Resources

on the Internet:






Here are several options for various science resources!

They aren't necessarily the best, or "Christian"; they're just links to

get you going on discovering the amazing resources available to us!

You can do a search at by typing in a word - like

"animal dissection" - and come up with a thousand more

options!  So have fun exploring!!!








Nick Walker's


"Weather Dude" Website:



This site is theoretically for younger kids, but

 there's plenty that older kids and adults will learn here!










Dr. Jay Wile's Apologia Science:



Excellent resources for teaching high school science!









Robert Krampf's Science

Education Company:



Excellent resources for elementary age, jr. high, and high school!!!

He now charges a membership fee, but he offers much more than he used to, and I highly

recommend it!  He has short videos that are great!  And hundreds of easy experiments!

There are still several things you can access at this site even without paying.







Meteorology Resources:


Some very interesting resources for studying meteorology!!! 


Here's what Nancy sent to me:


"Hello! I'd like to introduce myself..I'm Nancy! I'm a peer mentor at 
Goodwin Community Center. The group of kids that I'm mentoring wanted me 
to email you on their behalf and tell you that your page, (the one you're on), 
has wonderful resources on science. When the kids were looking for more 
resources, they had the brilliant idea to email you a resource they found, 
(the one linked below). They think your web visitors may 
find it very useful, just like they did.








TOPS Science:



Excellent resources for elementary age!







Cow Eyeball Dissection:


Great online directions for doing this on your own!








The Biology Page:



Many links to sites that are great helps for teaching Biology easier and FUN!!!







Animal Dissection Resources:











I got the graph paper background from Helena's:





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