Intro to

Love Lullabyes &

Jesus Songs



Most of these songs are new lyrics to familiar tunes.  I just made up new words to some of my very favorite songs!  I made up the tunes to a couple.


You'll notice an underline between a few of the words here and there.  This just means to sing the connected words very quickly to make them fit into the song correctly.  J


You'll also notice a tilde:  ~   (the little squiggle over a Spanish "n") between the syllables of some of the words.  This indicates that you need to sing more than one note on those syllables to make the words "fit" the music better.


I want to mention that these songs were a labor of love ~ 12 years ago (as of fall of 1999) ~ and were recorded by a group of my precious friends ~ brothers and sisters in the Lord ~ at church.  None of them received any pay; all gave a day out of their lives to produce these songs!  It's not a "professional production," but it's music to my ears, especially as I look back on all the love, time and talent  that was poured into this project.  ...  To all of you who contributed to it who might be visiting here today, please again accept my heartfelt thanks for your willingness to share so freely of yourselves!


And to any of you parents who do not feel particularly gifted in the musical arena, remember that, above all, your precious little child is much more into mutual affection than musical perfection!




Index of

Song Pages:



Click on the rattles

above the page titles to get

to each of the pages!





Starting-Out-Your-Day Songs


Fun and lively songs to

wake up and have fun with!






 Songs to Learn With


About colors, creation, my body,

how very much God loves me!





  Nighty-Night Songs


Just for sleepy, snuggle,

nap, and bed time!







I got the bar of music notes at the very top from:

The animated musical note bars

are from:

All the Precious Moments

graphics throughout the Love Lullabye song pages were created by:

I am SO grateful to

"Grandma George," Susan Colton, 

to have these sweet graphics 

to spice up these

pages with!


Thank you, Susan!

The rattles are from:

  The "Mommy & Baby"

lavendar gingham border is from Helena's



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